{ "Game.Joined" : "has joined", "Game.Disconnect" : "has left", "Game.WarmUp" : "Warmup", "Game.Live" : "Live", "Game.GameEnd" : "Game End", "Game.MapVote" : "Map Vote", "GameSettings.WeaponPosition" : "Weapon Position", "GameSettings.WeaponPosition.Description" : "Screen position of your viewmodel", "GameSettings.TennisBallMode" : "Tennis Ball Mode", "GameSettings.TennisBallMode.Description" : "Sets all players to the same colour", "GameSettings.ShowMovementHint" : "Show Movement Hint", "GameSettings.ShowMovementHint.Description" : "Shows movement hints around crosshair", "GameSettings.ShowHitMarkers" : "Show Hit Markers", "GameSettings.ShowHitMarkers.Description" : "Show hit markers on the damaged player", "GameSettings.ShowDamageNumbers" : "Show Damage Numbers", "GameSettings.ShowDamageNumbers.Description" : "Show damaged numbers on the damaged player", "GameSettings.BatchDamageNumbers" : "Batch Damage Numbers", "GameSettings.BatchDamageNumbers.Description" : "Batch the damage numbers", "GameSettings.Speedometer" : "Speedometer", "GameSettings.Speedometer.Description" : "Displays player speed on the hud", "GameSettings.GoreMode" : "GoreMode", "GameSettings.GoreMode.Description" : "Controls the amount of gore", "GameSettings.WalkBob" : "WalkBob", "GameSettings.WalkBob.Description" : "Show the camera and view model bob when walking", "GameSettings.HearOwnFootsteps" : "Hear Own Footsteps", "GameSettings.HearOwnFootsteps.Description" : "Disables your footsteps", "GameSettings.MuteGrunting" : "Mute Grunting", "GameSettings.MuteGrunting.Description" : "Mutes the grunting when jumping", "GameSettings.AnnouncerVolume" : "Announcer Volume", "GameSettings.AnnouncerVolume.Description" : "How loud should the announcer be", "GameSettingsOptions.Center" : "Center", "GameSettingsOptions.Left" : "Left", "GameSettingsOptions.Right" : "Right", "GameSettingsOptions.Default" : "Default", "GameSettingsOptions.Nothing" : "Nothing", "GameSettingsOptions.NoRagdolls" : "No Ragdolls", "GameSettingsOptions.NoGore" : "No Gore", "GameSettings.GeneralSettings" : "General Settings", "GameSettings.Close" : "Close", "GameSettings.Reset" : "Reset Defaults", "Killed.KilledBy" : "Killed You", "Scoreboard.Settings" : "Settings", "Scoreboard.ToggleSpectator" : "Toggle Spectator", "Scoreboard.Player" : "Player", "Scoreboard.Kills" : "Kills", "Scoreboard.Deaths" : "Deaths", "Scoreboard.Ping" : "Ping", "Spectating.Spectating" : "Spectating", "Spectating.Previous" : "PREVIOUS", "Spectating.Next" : "NEXT", "Spectating.ToggleFreeCam" : "TOGGLE FREE CAMERA", "Spectating.StartedSpectating" : "started spectating", "Spectating.StoppedSpectating" : "stopped spectating", "MasterBall.PickedUpBall" : "picked up the ball!", "MasterBall.DroppedBall" : "dropped the ball!", "MasterBall.ResetBall" : "The ball has been reset", "AmmoPickup.Nails": "Nails", "AmmoPickup.Grenade": "Grenades", "AmmoPickup.Buckshot" :"Buckshot", "AmmoPickup.Rockets": "Rockets", "AmmoPickup.Rails": "Rails", "AmmoPickup.Lightning": "Lightning", "PickUp.Health": "Health", "PickUp.Armour": "Armour", "PickUp.MegaArmour": "Mega Armour", "PickUp.MegaHealth": "Mega Health", "PickUp.QuadDamage": "QUAD DAMAGE", "Award.Airshot": "Airshot", "Award.Airshot.Description": "Hit a player in the air with a Rocket Launcher or Rail Gun", "Award.BeyondGodlike": "Beyond Godlike", "Award.BeyondGodlike.Description": "Kill 8 players within a short time", "Award.ComboBreaker": "Combo Breaker", "Award.ComboBreaker.Description": "Kill an enemy who has a Killing Spree", "Award.Dominating": "Dominating", "Award.Dominating.Description": "Kill the same enemy player 3 times", "Award.DoubleKill": "Double Kill", "Award.DoubleKill.Description": "Kill 2 players within a short time", "Award.FirstBlood": "First Blood", "Award.FirstBlood.Description": "Get the first kill of the round", "Award.Godlike": "Godlike", "Award.Godlike.Description": "Kill 25 players without dying", "Award.GodlikeKill": "Godlike Kill", "Award.Godlike.Description": "Kill 7 players within a short time", "Award.Humiliation": "Humiliation", "Award.Humiliation.Description": "Melee an enemy player to death", "Award.KillingSpree": "Killing Spree", "Award.KillingSpree.Description": "Kill 5 players without dying", "Award.MegaKill": "Mega Kill", "Award.MegaKill.Description": "Kill 4 players within a short time", "Award.MonsterKill": "Monster Kill", "Award.MonsterKill.Description": "Kill 5 players within a short time", "Award.Rampage": "Rampage", "Award.Rampage.Description": "Kill 10 players without dying", "Award.Revenge": "Revenge", "Award.Revenge.Description": "Kill a player who was dominating you", "Award.TripleKill": "Triple Kill", "Award.TripleKill.Description": "Kill 3 players within a short time", "Award.UltraKill": "Ultra Kill", "Award.UltraKill.Description": "Kill 6 players within a short time", "Award.Unstoppable": "Unstoppable", "Award.Unstoppable.Description": "Kill 20 players without dying", "Award.WickedSick": "Wicked Sick", "Award.WickedSick.Description": "Kill 30 players without dying", "MapVote.Title": "Map Vote", "MapVote.SubtitleText": "Choose your next map" }